Beetroots Powder- Unbeatable Dietary Supplement for Healthy Heart

Beetroots and its dietary supplements have unbeatable nutritional value. Beetroots are a potent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are rich in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, folate, manganese, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. From maintaining a healthy heart to boosting the immunity system, beets have a lot of health benefits. A regular intake of beetroots results in a healthy heart. It regulates blood pressure and helps in preventing heart diseases including heart attack, heart failure, and strokes.

Beetroots consist of nitrates that release nitric oxide in our bodies. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow. Nitrates also improve physical performance by enhancing the efficiency of mitochondria that produces energy. Consumption of Beets powder increases the use of oxygen by up to 20% and therefore results in better athletic performance. It also boosts high-intensity training and activities like sprinting, heavy lifting, etc. and speeds up post-workout recovery.

Beets also have anti-inflammatory properties that prevent chronic inflammation which causes diseases like obesity, heart diseases, acne, cancer, liver diseases,  body pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, etc. Beetroot superfood powder also reduces kidney inflammation. Beetroots are a great source of fiber which improves and regulates our digestive system. It prevents digestive problems including diverticulitis, constipation, and inflammatory bowel diseases, and also decreases the risk of colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases.


Certain reasons like reduction in blood flow, aging, and reduced oxygen supply can lead to a decline in the mental and cognitive functioning of an individual. Beets have a remarkable positive impact on mental and cognitive functioning. The Betalain content of beets aids in detoxification of the liver and regulates its proper functioning. Invite Health offers Vitality Beets Powder, a dietary supplement rich in nutritional value to support a healthy heart, immune system, and intense workouts.